Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I forgot what it felt like.

Well, we are week three into rehearals with about a week and a half till our valentines lovers program. It's going so quickly. Sometimes i wish i could just slow thing down because after this show we only have a few more and the seasons OVER. And this season just went wayyyyy to fast. I want to be able to dance forever!

But, even as time spins past me i am enjoying our spring rep. They are alllll contemporary pieces which is very different for our company. We had a woman come earlier this week to audition us for her piece. Six girls and three guys. I got picked and have bruised knees and a very sore back. I haven't moved like this since my modern classes in college!! It does feel nice on my body (minus bruises and sore) and i'm really feeling comfortable in body for once. I'm not looking at myself in the mirrow and seeing how i have bad turn out and arms. When i dance contemporary i can turn in, fling my arms, contract, and show real emotion. It's not for everyone, but i am certainly enjoying the switch up of movement!

Well, mr. groundhog says early spring, so we shall see!!
Hope everyone is well~

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