Wednesday, November 3, 2010



The last Dracula show is over. It went wonderful...beyond my expectations. Sure i didn't have a perfect show, but i put my all into Lucy and gave her a great last time on the stage. Not to mention what a wonderful almost FULL audience we had. They were very responsive which really helps us as performers to get into our roles. There was a part where the brides come and wake me from my coffin for the first time and i roll up and show the audience my new fangs. As i looked out into the crowd i heard a guy go " ohhhhhhhhh my !!!!" Like i really was a vampire. It was so funny and i tried not to lose it on stage. Our board president came as well and told me i did fantastic job. He's so wonderful. I love how much he supports us and any praise from him makes me feel like we are doing our job.

So now it's time to bring on the Nutcracker! The company is laid off for a week and apprentices are in learning their parts. I am being my usual lazyself and sitting in my pjs all day watching movies and doing some lesson plans. I feel great. This little break will really refresh me for the upcoming rehearsals/shows. This time of year is exhausting, but at the same time makes me smille. There's so many wonderful things ahead:
-an away nutcracker show and a b&b with my booba :)
-(christmas) i'm already thinking of present ideas. Yes, well i do have some time on my hands
-End of nutcracker vacation!!!
Does anyone know an affordable all inclusive (or not) warm escape destination??

Hope you are all well~

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